a.          Operator of gantry crane should put on rubber insulating shoes, should no put on hard-ground shoes or plastic shoes. Working uniform with the right size should be large-scale gantry craneput on, trouser legs and sleeve-cuff should be bound tightly while works. Hard hat should be put on to prevent the head being broken by falling tool when maintenances;

b.          Hard hat should be put on when works at high place, suspended safety belt should be hitched parallel to firm part to prevent falling accident when makes too strenuous efforts and the centre of gravity deviates.

2.    Points for attention for operator working at high place.

a.          There should no grease on ladder or walkway and platform to prevent slipping and falling;

b.          Should not stride at the high place to prevent falling down;

c.           Worker should put on safety belt and hard hat when maintenances crane at high place without reliable foothold or railing. Should not throw tools, parts and other goods when hands on them;

d.          Should bind trouser legs tightly when checks and cleans air-rail to prevent falling down hooked by screw on rail