1. As maintaining the overhead crane, the operator must directly confirm that the frequency converter input power supply is in the state “cut off”single girder overhead crane

2. After cutting off the power supply, high voltage electricity may still be remained in main circuit electrolytic capacitor of the frequency converter

3. After confirming releasing remained voltage, the machine can be operated. Steps for reference: cut off power supply---wait for 5-10 minutes, rechargeable lights go out--- measure DC filter capacitor voltage < 36V with multimeter---maintain the frequency converter

4. As directly measuring output voltage of the frequency converter, rectifier type AC voltage meter must be used. As using general voltmeter or digital meters to measure high voltage pulse,  it may cause malfunction or wrong indication.

5. The megger tests the incoming line and outgoing line is prohibited strictly, if check the relevant parts, please removing the incoming and outgoing line of frequency.

Whether cooling system works well, vibration condition and frequency converter and its surrounding heating condition.